Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which GOBOOZE.COM.AU collects, uses, maintains, and discloses information collected from users of the GOBOOZE.COM.AU. This Privacy Policy applies to the Website and all products and services offered by GOBOOZE.COM.AU.


Information Collection

  1. Personal Identification Information:We may gather personal identification information from Users through various methods, such as when Users visit the Website, create an account, place an order, or engage with the Website's features. The collected information could encompass details such as your name, email address, mailing address, phone number, and payment particulars.
  2. Non-personal Identification Information: We might also collect non-personal identification information from Users whenever they interact with the Website. This could encompass details like the browser's name, the type of computer or device used, and technical information about Users' methods of connecting to the Website, including operating systems and Internet service providers.


Information Usage

  1. Personal Information: We gather and utilize Users' personal information for the following objectives:
    To personalize the user experience: This information helps us comprehend how Users, collectively, employ the services and resources available on our Website.
    To process transactions: The details Users provide when placing an order enable us to fulfill that order's service. We do not share this information with external parties, except to the extent necessary to provide the service. 
    To send periodic emails:  The email address may be employed to send Users information and updates related to their order. Additionally, it may be used to address inquiries, questions, and other requests. 
  2. Non-personal Information: We gather and employ non-personal information with the goal of enhancing our services and enriching the User experience.


Information Protection

  1. Data Security: We implement suitable data collection, storage, and processing practices, along with security measures, to guard against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction of Users' personal information, usernames, passwords, transaction details, and data stored on our systems.
  2. Payment Security: To ensure the secure transmission of sensitive payment information, we utilize secure payment gateways and encryption technologies.


Sharing Personal Information

We do not sell, trade, or rent Users' personal identification information. However, we may share generic aggregated demographic information, which is not linked to any personal identification information, about visitors and Users with our business partners, trusted affiliates, and advertisers.

Furthermore, we may disclose Users' personal information in response to a legal process, court order, government request, or as otherwise required by applicable law.


Third-Party Websites

Users might encounter advertisements or other content on our Website that directs to the sites and services of our partners, suppliers, advertisers, sponsors, licensors, and other third parties. We do not exert control over the content or links that appear on these sites, and we are not accountable for the practices adopted by websites linked to or from our Website. The act of browsing and interacting on any other website, including those linked to our Website, is subject to the terms and policies of that specific website.


Delivery Partner Privacy Policy

By placing this order, you must present a valid ID to the delivery person, which may be securely scanned through the delivery person's app to verify that you are aged 18 or over. The date of birth and expiry date from your ID will be encrypted and retained by each carrier as per each carrier's individual T&Cs. The scan and other data will be deleted after your age is verified.



Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at our discretion, without prior notice. In such instances, we will amend the "Last Updated" date at the bottom of this page. We encourage Users to regularly review this page to remain informed about any alterations and updates regarding how we safeguard the personal information we gather.


User Acceptance of these Terms

By utilizing this Website, you indicate your acknowledgment and acceptance of this Privacy Policy. If you do not concur with this policy, kindly refrain from using our Website. Should we make revisions to this policy, your ongoing use of the Website will be regarded as an acceptance of these modifications.

If you possess any queries regarding this Privacy Policy, the operational practices of this Website, or your interactions with this Website, please reach out to us using the provided contact information. 


This Privacy Policy was last updated on 21/08/2023 and is subject to update or change.